As part of our 10th Anniversary Celebration, we are reflecting on trends that have emerged during the past decade. One is the rapid evolution of a new consumer. Digital. Self-directed. In control of decision-making. Many of us recognize these qualities. We are increasingly that type of consumer ourselves, regardless of our age.
Labelled “Consumer-in-Chief” by Deloitte in 2014, we demand choice, flexibility, and personalized attention.
It’s true in everything we do, but more and more we are seeing this consumer in drug plans. Employees want to know more about which drugs are funded, which are not, and why. Employers want to engage employees in the efficient running of the plan, including managing overall spend. We’re proud to say that is our business at Reformulary Group – to address both the employees’ and the employer’s needs. We created DrugFinder to help employees make informed drug choices. DrugFinder even has Alexa to make that process quick and easy.
For more about self-directed consumers and how they are impacting everything from online purchases to drug plans, here it is: Right Turn, written by our CEO Helen Stevenson.